Script: Saske – Case Study #3

Voiceover: Female: African accent

Tone: Happy, upbeat

Pronunciation: SXAS: ‘SASS’ (x is silent), Saske: ‘SASS-kay’, Mzee Dembe: ‘Em-Zee Dem-bay’

Words: 167


Meet Solomon. Solomon comes from a long line of grain millers. He is actually the very first to ever set up a website for the family business. He understands that social media is the best way to engage all the local bakers at once and to get them to buy from him.

But he just doesn’t have the time to keep up with all of the activity on his many social channels. It’s just too much for him to respond to messages, track interactions, and create new posts for so many different platforms.

Thankfully, his friend Mzee Dembe told him about Saske. There, he can create one post and have it syndicated to all of his social channels instantly.

Thanks to Saske, he’s also earning digital cash every single day, in the form of SXAS. What’s more, he’s finally making enough to get the solar panels he has been wanting for the business for the longest time.